

Jun 29, 2023

Ball Corporation and Cervejaria Masterpiece Collaborate on ASI

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American aluminium packaging firm Ball Corporation announced this month a collaboration with Cervejaria Masterpiece to market the world’s first beverage can with the Aluminium Stewardship Institute’s (ASI) logo to mark the containers as being produced with responsibly-sourced aluminium.

The container will hold Donatello Barley Wine, which is a beverage new to the market. The can will feature ASI’s Responsible Aluminium Sourcing logo, assuring consumers that they are purchasing a container with aluminium that meets ASI’s sustainability standards.

The ASI welcomed the news, noting that this first on-product logo on a beverage can indicates the growing importance of responsibly sourcing their raw materials in the beverage industry.

Ball Corporation has more ASI certifications than most other companies, with over a dozen certifications. The firm has six Performance Standard and eight Chain of Custody Standard certifications on its various facilities on four continents.

Cervejaria Masterpiece is an Industrial User member of ASI. The Institute notes that their partnership with Ball Corporation to display their ASI certification on its aluminium container is proof positive of the company’s commitment to sustainability.

The ASI notes that companies may only use their logo if their facilities achieve both the Performance Standard and the Chain of Custody Standard certifications. Claims about sustainability on the product must also be approved by the ASI.